Frequently Ask Questions |
Why would I want to live at Hidden Valley Airpark?There are a number of reason noted on this page. How many people live in Hidden Valley?As of 1/1/2014 there are 91 families living in Hidden Valley Airpark with 2 homes under construction. How many lots are available for sale?As of 1/1/2014 there were 17 lots available. What about home values?Our member's homes range in value from about $300,000 to over $1,000,000 with the average home value of $625,000. Furthermore, airpark homes appreciate in value well compared to homes in other neighborhoods, see Residential airpark living takes off from Is there a home owners association?Yes, Hidden Valley Airpark Association is the home owners association that owns and maintains the runway, roads, taxiways and other common property. Here are the Association Bylaws and the Declaration, Covenants, and Restrictions. Who can I contact to see more?Refer our contacts page to contact us and we will be happy to show you around. Where can I get more information about airpark community living?Refer our resources page for a list of links to other airpark living releated web sites. What about the town of Shady Shores?Here is a link to the Shady Shores web site. Over the years a number of our members have served on the town council of Shady Shores. Are there any commercial properties within Hidden Valley Airpark?No, commercial business is not allowed in Hidden Valley Airpark nor the town of Shady Shores. Is the airpark a private airport or public?The airport runway is a private Texas airport and protected by the Texas aviation laws. Is there fuel on the field?Yes, 100LL is available on the property from a limited liability corporation managed by the Hidden Valley Airpark Association. Are there separate taxiways?The only separate taxiways are the three entrances to the runway. Most of the roads in the community serve a dual purpose as taxiways and roads with aircraft having the right of way. The roads/taxiways are a mix of asphalt and concrete. Is there an instrument approach?5TX0 does not have an instrument approach, but there is an instrument approach to nearby Denton (KDTO) which is 7 nm to the west. What is the history of Hidden Valley Airpark?Hidden Valley Airpark was incorporated in 1967 and much of its history is documented here. What is the weather like at Shady Shores, TX?North Texas has mild winters and over 300 days of VFR flying weather per year. You can review the historical weather from one of our resident's weather station to see what the weather has been in the recent past. Who are the taxing authorities?
Is there public transportation?In nearby Denton there is bus service offered by DCTA which also has commuter rail service from Denton into Lewisville and Carrollton where it connects with DART, Dallas Area Rapid Transit. Hidden Valley Airpark residents are within 3 miles of a rail stop that can take you to Dallas Love field, DFW airport and many other locations in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. What shopping is nearby?Numerous grocery stores and shopping areas are within 5 miles with even more within 10 miles.
What medical facilities are nearby?
What higher educational facilities are nearby?